The problem for building WES 7 SP1 64 bit image
If you are using 1GB memory for building WES 7 sp1 64 bit image, you will find some program installation error in the final stage. The problem caused by minimum memory and terminate some installtion process. There are 2 ways to solve the problem.
1. Change memory to 2 GB.
2. Change ICE -->Product -->Operation Syatem -->Foundation Core -->Windows Embedded Edition -->Smss_amd64 value to "c:\pagefile.sys. (Choose Filter view by: Offline servicing)
1. Change memory to 2 GB.
2. Change ICE -->Product -->Operation Syatem -->Foundation Core -->Windows Embedded Edition -->Smss_amd64 value to "c:\pagefile.sys. (Choose Filter view by: Offline servicing)