win 10 multi-language image with sysprep

After win 7, Microsoft created "control panel --- language". Every time, If wants to create non-English win 10 image. I will add language "from control panel --- language" first then using lpksetup to install cab file. Moving added language up then right click option to "make primary language". Since English and added language will pop out for choice during sysprep stage, normally I will add specific language at xml's oobe setting pass.

From control panel -- language, add a language.. If add language, the language need to "make primary language" and move up, otherwise, the desktop environment will not change language.

Cmd with administrator right to run "lpksetup"

This time, I need multi-language which could choose language during sysprep stage.  If you have added non-English language to "control panel --- language"  , choose other non-English language in sysprep stage, the desktop environment will always "English" except not to add language while installed windows.

Not to add language to "control panel -- language", could check right site "advanced settings"

sysprep the image. Reboot the system, choose any language, the desktop language will be same as choice/

