


Microsoft win 11 SAC (22000.194)

 Microsoft win 11 opk release but so far multi-language pack and FOD (feature on demand) is still not yet found.  Below is update.for win 10 2021 ltsc & win 11 sac 21h2.


Ubuntu local time sync to hardware bios time

windows 10 1903 pro audit mode add app problem

Year 2019

win 10 multi-language image with sysprep

Windows hostednetwork setting -- let your windows as hotspot

Intel Skylake hardware enable "hibernate" option in wes 7 start menu

Win 10 2015 LTSB & 2016 LTSB major difference.

win 10 (1607) HORM

iot core 1607 64 bit

using slmgr input PID