win 10 (1607) HORM

First you need to turn on UWF filter from system. You could do it from (control panel --program and feature--Turn windows features on or off --device lockdown --Unified Write Filter (uwf doesn't support uefi)

Below is the step to set up HORM.

0. choose "control panel --power option --choose what power button do" to "shutdown"

1. Run "cmd.exe" with administrator right.

2. Enable hibernation on device.
 "powercfg /h on".

3. Enable uwf.
"uwfmgr filter enable".

4. Protect all device volume by
"uwfmgr volume protect all".

5. Restart system.
"shutdown -r -t 0"

6. Enable hibernation.
"powercfg -h on".

7. Enable horm.
"uwfmgr filter enable-horm".

8. Hibernate one time to create initial hibernation file.
"shutdown -h"

9..push power button to boot system.

Disable HORM by "uwfmgr filter disable-horm".

HORM test result -- DE67hai and DE7200 -- OK, DE6140 -- fail Below is fail screenshot.

Run "uwfmgr filter enable-horm" second time, The horm is working.

