Server 2016 TP4 WDS system
The process to install WDS is similar with Server 2008. (The article could find from 2012 Oct.
After installed server 2016 Technical Preview 4, the desktop is as below.
Setting static IP from control panel -- network and sharing center
Assigned an IP for Preferred DNS server.
Please add below roles and features from Sever Manager
2. DNS server will request to install during ADDS installation process.
3. DHCP server
After installed DHCP server, please remember to run "netsh dhcp server set dnscredentials "user" "domain" "password"". Server 2016 TP4 will not pop out message during installation stage.
4. WDS
WDS propertiies -- Boot page setting

Right click "Install Images" and choose "add install image" then select install.wim from win 10 iot enterprise ltsb disk.
Right click "Boot Image" and choose "add boot image" then select boot.wim from win 10 iot enterprise ltsb disk.
Right now WDS system is ready. Connect wds system to network hub. Get a hardware system and enable bios's PXE. Plug network cable and boot system from PXE. PXE will scan network and get the response from dhcp server. WDS will start and win 10 installation will pop out.
After installed server 2016 Technical Preview 4, the desktop is as below.
Setting static IP from control panel -- network and sharing center
Assigned an IP for Preferred DNS server.
Please add below roles and features from Sever Manager
2. DNS server will request to install during ADDS installation process.
3. DHCP server
After installed DHCP server, please remember to run "netsh dhcp server set dnscredentials "user" "domain" "password"". Server 2016 TP4 will not pop out message during installation stage.
4. WDS
WDS propertiies -- Boot page setting

Right click "Install Images" and choose "add install image" then select install.wim from win 10 iot enterprise ltsb disk.
Right click "Boot Image" and choose "add boot image" then select boot.wim from win 10 iot enterprise ltsb disk.
Right now WDS system is ready. Connect wds system to network hub. Get a hardware system and enable bios's PXE. Plug network cable and boot system from PXE. PXE will scan network and get the response from dhcp server. WDS will start and win 10 installation will pop out.