Raspberry pi 2 with win10 core

1. download flash.ffu from http://ms-iot.github.io/content/en-US/win10/SetupRPI.htm .

2. Get a 8GB micro sd class 10 card and using dism to apply image.

3. Plug micro sd card to raspberry pi 2 then plug power code to boot. You will find similar win 8 logo pop out, after a while, you will see below screen, needs to connect ethernet cable.

write down machine name and ip address.

4. Boot one win 10 system then connect ethernet to same lan hub.

5. Run powershell with administrator right.


**start to remote connect

ps> net start winrm

Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value

Enter-PsSession -ComputerName -Credential \Administrator

Execute above command and wait a while to connect rpi2, you will find ip pop out in next powershell command line.

7. rpi 2 need to install remote debugger and launch, could run "tlist" to check, if you find 2 line "msvsmon.exe", the debugger is running.

8. Now, you could attach rpi2 from visual studio 2015 then start your iot project.


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