My first Chromium OS -- amd64-generic (12/29/2014 google source code)
1. Before build Chromium os, you need to follow below development guide to setup your ubuntu system (I use ubuntu 12.04 amd 64) and get google Chromium source code. You need to be patient to download source code, it depends on your network bandwidth.
2. Chreate chroot by "cros_sdk".
"exit " to quit chroot.
cros_sdk -- enter for next enter.
3. export BOARD=amd64-generic (setup your image platform, you could check /chromium/src/overlays to choose platform)
4. ./setup_board --board=${BOARD}
5. execute ./ (, setup the image passowrd, the file will keep in /etc/shared_user_passwd.txt)
6. start to build package by "./build_packages --board=${BOARD}" (same as 'make all")
It needs more than 4hrs to complete. (It de[ends on your development hardware system)
7. ./build_image --board=${BOARD} --noenable_rootfs_verification dev --start to build your image.
The image will locate in /chromium/src/build/images/amd64-generic/latest/chromiumos_image.bin
This image could boot from de67hai. Basicaly. it's not difficult to build pure image. You just need basic linux common sense then you could make it.
If you are interesting my chromium os image, you could download tar.gz file from below!yJwwwDrJ!RRriFWDUGTqFYcOPDO820KEVJx1diF96vnxQCZ7AV_k
Another way to install chromium os,
Create usb boot Chromium os dongle and boot from usb. Ctrl-alt F2 to switch to text mode.
Using chronos/aopen123 to log in then Type below command.
# cd /usr/sbin
# sudo ./chromeos-install --dst /dev/sda
click "y" to confirm install from /dev/sdb to /dev/sda.
Wait a while and system will ask to shut down system, remove usb then reboot system. The chromium os will boot from hard drive.