WS7E 64 bit AMD platform image couldn't update to IE10 (IE11).

The default IE for wes7 is IE 8. If wants to update to IE10, it needs to add KB2533623, KB2670838, KB2729094-v2, KB2731771, KB2786081 then installed IE10-windows6.1-x84-en-us.exe. The file could download from below link!mARQETrZ!sdaJyqg_qDnd7LLmY-qMP4vsNCqWFd_3Luv9GWzPm2s

After you installed IE10 then do "sysprep", it will pop out "IE10 Per- User Initialization Utility" error while boot system. Clicked "Close the problem", the initialization will go on  and enter to windows desktop. Checked for detailed information. It showed  relating to "ie4uinit.exe" "msvcrt.dll" .

The UI will pop out in sysprep and log in new user account. Below described behavior between Intel pltform (aopen DE7200) and AMD platform (aopen DE6140).

1. Intel (DE7200) -- log in new user account, ok. sysprep, error.
2. AMD (DE6140) -- log in new user account, error, sysprep, error.

We passed issue to Microsoft essential but got non-related information. They said "the IE10 update file from internet is for Win 7, not for wes7". So I go to "myoem" account and downloaded "X18-86445.img". Compared two files are same name and same size. I am really angry Microsoft essential handle case behvior. It's not free organization but how they charge customer by this kind of attitude..

Finally I have solved the problem because I don't expect I could get solution from Microsoft. Add two items in unattend.xml could slove the problem.
"generalize" setting pass, set "PersistAllDeviceInstalls" to "true"
"specialize" setting pass, set "CopyProfile" to "true".

After reboot the sysprep system, the error message is gone and directly enter to desktop and log in to new created user account is also normal.

There is no issue for WES 7 32 bit image.

Another workaround from Microsoft embedded. ==> a little stupid. (delete ie4uinit.exe before execute sysprep UI), below is the command.

1.  takeown.exe /F C:\Windows\sysWOW64\ie4uinit.exe /A (the Administrators group will       become the owner)
2.  icacls.exe  C:\Windows\sysWOW64\ie4uinit.exe  /grant  Administrators:F  (the Administrators group will get full access)
3. del  C:\Windows\sysWOW64\ie4uinit.exe

