WE8S sysprep

If using we8s sysprep UI, the start icon and  right mouse key of left botttom corner list program  items will totally clear after sysprep. The solution is adding "copy profile as true" to unattend.xml then close sysprep UI. Below is the steps to fix this problem.

1. Add "copy profile as true" to "specialize" setting pass of "unattend.xml".
2. Close "sysprep" UI
3. Copy unattend.xml to c:\windows\system32\sysprep.
3. Run "cmd" as administrator.
4. cd c:\windows\system32\sysprep
5. Execute "sysprep /oobe:unattend.xml /generalize"

It's not preferred to provide WE8S image with audit mode since it will encounter unexpected problem while user runs sysprep next time. 

