1. Create one bootable USB then choose ICE -->Create Media -->Create IBW Image From Answer File to build Image. Boot from USB, the system will always pops out "couldn't read ProductKey", no matter I fill trial product key to answer file or not.
2. Using IBW 32 bit to build image, if I choose template and modify the components, sometime system will halt and ask to reinstall. It seems resolve not to function.
3. WES 8 will enter ehell.exe by default, it needs manually to change registry to "explorer.exe".
2. Using IBW 32 bit to build image, if I choose template and modify the components, sometime system will halt and ask to reinstall. It seems resolve not to function.
3. WES 8 will enter ehell.exe by default, it needs manually to change registry to "explorer.exe".
For wes 7, productkey is under shell-setup_x86.