How to re-sysprep win 7 image?

1. Delete user account by "netplwiz". (Fig,1 ), choose user account then delete. If you have installed AP, the AP shortcut or your desktop setting will disappear while you delete user account. It's best to use below method. Click "sft" + "Ctrl" + "F3" while welcome screen pops out in win 7 installation period. System will reboot and enter sysprep audit mode. Install everything you want at this mode then choose "oobe", not to click "V" for generalization and shutdown then click OK.

2. Enter c:\windows\system32\sysprep then click "sysprep. (check fig 2). Choose "oobe", "一般化", sutdown then click "OK".
3. System will shut down.
4. Prepare WinPE (using USB drive). Boot system from USB, make sure the image file location. (if you have usb hard disk, the location is g:)
5. Key-in below command from winPE command,
imagex /compress maximum /capture d: g:\de7kw7jp.wim "win7jp" /verify
d: win 7 data partition.
g: hard disk to save image file (depending on your system environment)
6. Delete original wim file from iso then add this wim file to iso. (you could use poweriso, ...)
7. Save iso file.