How to let WES 7 support AHCI & IDE mode?

1. After installed Win 7 for IDE mode and installed all hardware driver, run "tap.exe" to get "device.pmq.
2. Change HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\service\msahci- start value to "0". (default value is 3)
3. Reboot system then change bios setting to "AHCI" mode then boot Win 7.
4. Check IDE device, the device name will change to "Standard AHCI 1.0 Serial ATA controller".
5. Run "tap.exe" to get "deviceahci.pmq"
6. Import "device.pmq" & "deviceahci.pmq" to ICE.
7. Insert IDE & AHCI driver Path to ICE.
8. Create IBW Image from Answer File to USB drive.
9. Boot USB drive to install WES7 from system's IDE mode.

